Order & Payment Methods | IT'S SOLD

Money Transfer and EFT Payment

First add the product(s) you will purchase to your cart. Proceed by pressing the payment button. Fill in the contact and shipping address settings completely. Then choose your shipping option by pressing the continue with shipping button. Proceed by pressing the Continue with payment button. Select 'Money Transfer' as the payment method. When you press the complete order button, you will see our bank information. Please do not forget to write your order number in the description section when making money transfer or EFT. Once EFT or Money Order reaches us, your order will be automatically created and processed.

Payment by Credit Card

You can use all credit cards and DEBIT cards supported by Visa and MasterCard during your shopping. Your payments are protected by 256 bit SSL certificate and IYZICO infrastructure, on which many world-famous companies work. You can make purchases in one payment or in installments with your credit cards. You can see your credit card installment options on your product detail page.